Patrice White

Full stack web developer with a passion for testing


Patrice White headshot

I am a full stack web developer from Atlanta, GA. I use React and Node.js to build web apps that will liven up your life and solve problems that affect me. I also like testing and seeing how much easier test makes writing code.

Outside of coding I enjoy playing basketball, watching Dr. Who and Sherlock, reading, and visiting new ramen shops.


Book screenshot

My team and I all love to read. We wanted to be able to recommend books that we loved not just look on the best sellers list and hope we like it. Along with a team of developers, I used React.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, and Google OAuth 2.0 to create a community-driven book list recommendation application. We are able to see books that have been recommended to us by other users so we know they are worth the read.

How do I Vim?

VIM screenshot

I have tried to learn the VIM editor, but I always forget which commands do what and quit the editor. Along with a teammate, I used React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and google oAuth 2.0 to create a web application that teaches, through space repetition, some of the major commands you need to maneuver through VIM like a pro. This app has made it easy for me to use the editor instead of just quitting.

I'm Hungry

I'm Hungry screenshot

When my mom doesn’t want to cook dinner, figuring out what we are going to eat becomes a difficult task for my dad. My mom says she’ll eat whatever then turns down most of his ideas and it takes forever for them to decide. Along with a teammate, I used React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and the Yelp API to create a web application that provides you with one restaurant in the city or zip code you provide. My mom was able to find new and good restaurants near us and my dad doesn’t have to worry about coming up with ideas that will get shot down.

Gotta Know 'Em All

Gotta Know 'Em All screenshot

I’m a complete novice when it comes to Pokemon and I thought it would be a great chance to learn all about Pokemon. Along with a teammate, I used JQuery and the Poke API to create a web application that provides you with the abilities and statistics for whichever Pokemon or Pokemon ability you type in. Now that I have this app I understand why my friends are so happy to catch certain Pokemon when they are playing Pokemon Go.